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Rumi Iryo



劇団四季出身ミュージカル女優。数多くのヒロイン役を演じてきた。代表作に「オペラ座の怪人」「美女と野獣」「ウエストサイド物語」「壁抜け男」。退団後、東宝ミュージカル「レ・ミゼラブル」、tpt「ナイン THE MUSICAL」「イェルマ」など。コンサート、ストレートプレイ等、幅広く活躍中。


2016年 『月と森の記憶』の舞台で主演された井料瑠美さんの衣装をtenboがデザインさせていただきました。

Musical actress from Shiki Theater Company A musical actress from Shiki Theater Company. She has played many heroine roles. Her masterpieces are "The Phantom of the Opera," "Beauty and the Beast," "West Side Story," and "The Man Who Goes Through the Wall." After she left the group, she played Toho musicals "Les Miserables", tpt "Nine THE MUSICAL" and "Jerma". She is widely active in concerts, straight play, etc. In 2016, tenbo designed the costume of Rumi Iryō, who starred in the stage of "Memories of the Moon and the Forest".

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