高校時代から芸能活動を始め、J-WAVEでラジオDJデビューし、俳優、タレントとしてTV、ラジオ、映画、舞台と活動中。 現在、「ノンストップ!」(フジテレビ)、「Fresh Faces」(BS朝日 ナレーターとして)、「サヘルの小部屋 ペルシャを語ろう!」(TBSラジオ)などにレギュラー出演中。 映画「西北西」、「ターコイズの空の下で」、「女たち」などに出演し、主演を務めた「冷たい床」ではミラノ国際映画祭では最優秀主演女優賞を受賞されるなど、俳優としても幅広く活動を展開。また、第9回若者力大賞Sahel Rosa /Actorを受賞。 国際人権NGOの「すべての子どもに家庭を」の活動で親善大使を務めている。 また、2020年にはアメリカで人権活動家賞を受賞する。
Sahel Rosa /Actor
Born in Iran in 1985. She came to Japan with her adoptive mother at the age of eight. He started performing arts activities in high school, made his debut as a radio DJ on J-WAVE, and is active as an actor and talent on TV, radio, movies, and theatrical performances. Currently, he is regularly appearing on "Nonstop!" (Fuji TV), "Fresh Faces" (as BS Asahi narrator), "Let's talk about Persia in Sahel's small room!" (TBS Radio). As an actor, he won the Best Actress Award at the Milano International Film Festival for "Cold Floor," which starred in the movies "West-Northwest," "Under the Turquoise," and "Women." Also develops a wide range of activities. He also won the 9th Youth Power Award. He is a goodwill ambassador for the "Home for All Children" activity of an international human rights NGO. She will also receive the Human Rights Activist Award in the United States in 2020.
I met Sahel 5 years ago He is a friend of tenbo who has an important milestone and has connected many warm ties.