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Pray for Peace Collection 2024 in 沖縄

tenbo ファッションデザイナー 鶴田能史
What I want to convey through this fashion show is to accept the devastation caused by war in Okinawa and to foster a sense of dignity in wishing for peace. We will disseminate information not only to Japan but also to the world. We are looking for models/MCs who can work with us to create a desire for peace. All costumes will be made with new designs inspired by the participating models. I would like to make June 23rd, along with ``Memorial Day'', ``a day to pray for peace for children.'' I'm really looking forward to a wonderful encounter. Also, as we are expecting a large number of applicants, we will not be able to audition all of them, so we will only be conducting a document screening, which is a pain in the ass, but we would appreciate your understanding.
tenbo fashion designer Takafumi Tsuruta